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Historic Danzig : Last of the City-States :
By William and Alicelia Franklin.

Opera in the Woods - a scene from "Lohengrin"
Photograph by Soennke.

Justly famed is Zoppot's "Forest Opera" of wich the natural setting deep in a forest glade is ideal for presentations of Wagner.

Even basement doors bear exquisite carvings.
Photograph by Reinke.

Danzig's architecture is noted for its wealth of ornamental details. Merchant princes employed
Europe's best artists and craftsman to decorate their houses, churges, and public buildings.

Danzig Study Group U.S.A.
Danzig Report Nr. 157 - July - August - September - 2012, Page 17.

Hits: 2340

Added: 11/09/2012
Copyright: 2024
