Gallery » Danzig Report 98, 1998 » DANZIG UNTER DER LUPE
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Figure 5: Double roulette perforation on cover from Langfuhr, 11.3.21.
Not related to the cover at the left, this copy of Mi.78 sent in by David Qates of England, shows another broken n. Can someone identify the field?
Figure 6: Three of the four Mi. 104 stamps on cover mailed 5.12.22 exhibit a broken n in the word Danzig. Michaelis fists “Platterìfehler FeId 5, 9, 80” next to this cover is his album. Cover is signed by Schüler.
Danzig Report Nr. 98 - January - February - March - 1998, Page 4.
Hits: 3287
Added: 20/05/2015
Copyright: 2025
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