1. Brannschweig forgery.
2. The I) Is flat on bottom.
3. The a Is too small.
4. Poorly-drawn n; second vertical is too long.
5. Top of z too small; verticals too close.
6. Very short I; clot Is nnich too large.
7. Cd part of tipper g too light.
8. Horizontal bar is compact and uneven.
1. Berlin typographic forgery.
2. The opening of time a is too large.
3. Top of z is too light.
4. The a and n clownsirokes are too curved.
5. Both loops of g are too large and back is curved.
6. Lead-in stroke of a at sharp angle.
7. Lower left (omeI of horizontal bar is chipped.
8. Uneven lines in horizontal bar.
Clean typogrphic forgery.
1. Second Vienna forgery.
2. Flame line of I) Is too strong.
3. The a is slightly Inclined to the left.
4. Top of z is too low.
5 5. [3ottorn of z and g are too uniform.
6. Top opening of a and g are too large.
7. The g has a strnalgimt back.
8. Top of q has a hook.
9. Points of honznntal bar run horizontally.
10. Horizontal bar is tinner in middle than at ends.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 100 - July - August - September - 1998, Page 10.
Hits: 3248
Added: 22/07/2015
Copyright: 2025