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Gallery » Danzig Report 6 - November, December 1975 » AROUND THE WORLD FLIGHT OF THE LZ 127 “GRAF ZEPPELIN”


Start:                    Lakehurst                    8th of August            06:40 o’clock
Landing:             Friedrichshafen        10th                               01:02
Start :                   Friedrichshafen        15th                               04:35
Landing:            Tokyo                             19th                               10:40
Start:                   Tokyo                             23rd                               07:13
Landing:            Los Angeles                  26th                               14:49
Start :                  Los Angeles                 27th                                09:15
Landing:            Lakehurst                     29th                                13:14
Start:                   Lakehurst                     1 September              13:18
Landing:            Friedrichshafen          4 September              08:46

Duration of the flight:    Friedrichshafen to Friedrichshafen: 20 days, 7 hours, 44 minutes


Friedrichshafen to Tokyo: Card- 2.75 Gulden; Letter- 5.50 Gulden
Friedrichshafen to Los Angeles: Card- 5.50 G; Letter- 11.0 G.
Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst: Card- 6.75 G; Letter- 13.50 G.
Friedrichshafen to Friedrichshafen: Card- 9.50; Letter- 19.0 G.

Forwarded Danzig Mail:
Tokyo: 11 Cards 5 Letters
Los Angeles 4 Cards 5 Letters
Lakehurst 34 Cards 26 Letters
Around the World 18 Cards 10 Letters = 113 pieces of mail 141 Pieces of mail were posted, but 28 pieces (13 letters and 15 cards) missed the connection. They were returned to the senders and the fee was returned.

Philatelic prices:
Friedrichahafen to Tokyo:                    Card- 15 RM          Letter- 50 RM
Friedrichshafen to Los Angeles:                     30 RM                         50 RM
Friedrichshafen to Lakehurst:                         20 RM                         30 RM
Around the World:                                                25 RM                         35 RM

Figure 12:   Cachet, 6.2 cm, applied to mail originating in the U.S.

Figure 13:   Cachet, 3.6 cm, applied to German mail.

The Around the World Flight (at least for the Americans) was entered with the destination of the second transoceanic flight of the LZ 127 from Lakehurst. Upon the return trip from Lakehurst to Friedrichshafen, the American mail carried a huge, beautiful 6.2 cm circle cancellation with a design of the globe showing the voyage route Figure 12. The German Around the World cachet with the inscription “LUFTSCHIFF GRAF ZEPPELIN /WELTRUNDFAHRT 1929” arid the syfribolic representation of the airship over the rising sun were applied on shipments delivered in Friedrichshafen Figure 13. Diameter of the red circle cancel was 3.6 cm.

Danzig Report   Nr. 6 – November - December - 1975, Page 10.

Hits: 2199

Added: 26/05/2015
Copyright: 2024
