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The following three Graf Zeppelin 1929 Weltrundfahrt covers are from the collection of Roy Dodd, a noted Zepp collector and President of GPS Chapter 16 in Baltimore. Roy was inter ested in our Zeppelin article and has graciously offered these scarce items for your study.

15 August 1929 (1 of 16). Delivered to the General Consulate in Tokyo and receive-stamped with official purple seal. Note the error in the “G” in the left 2 1/2 G stamp (206 II, field 41). But of what significance is the notch in the left vertical frame, 2 mm from the top of the right stamp (field 42)? If you have this pair, check to see if this broken frame is consistent in position 42. Below is detail of 206 IL


Danzig Report  Nr. 8 - March - April - 1976, Page 2.


Hits: 2672

Added: 25/05/2015
Copyright: 2024
