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Rheda Bezirk Danzig 

Art Hecker sent two prints of Danzig-related material and asks our advice on the following:The preprinted formula cards of the North German Postal District are listed in Borek as “Postcard-forerunners”. The first card is franked with the N.D.P.D. 1 Groschen Mi. No. 16. The cancel is KOENIGSBERG PR./EISENBAHN POST. NO. (?). I can’t make out the number but this appears to be a Koenigsberg-Danzig rail cancel. The Danzig receiving cancel is on the upper left. Can anyone supply info on the Koenigsberg rail cancel? Is it a Koenigsberg-Danzig line? What numbers are missing?

The second card is franked with the Groschen large shield, Mi. No. 18, and was sent three years later than the first. This is now the Empire period, and the cancel appears:

This cancel raises several questions, including the difficulty in finding Rheda on old or new maps. Also, what is the abbreviation “PFG.” on this card? At first I thought it might be REG. BEZ. for “Regierungs Bezirk” (Administrative District).


Danzig Report Nr. 26 - 1st Quarter 1980, Page 6.

Hits: 3334

Added: 08/06/2015
Copyright: 2025
