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Editor: John H. Bloecher Jr., 1743 Little Creek Drive, Baltimore, Md. 21207

Big news this month is the 30th GPS Anniversary Convention at BALPEX, located in the beautiful Hunt Valley, 10 miles north of Baltimore. You’ve heard enough and read enough about the upcoming lectures, slides, buying, selling, auction, meetings, displays, new books, trips, banquets, singing, dancing, gemütllichkeit, anecdotes, hospitality, and more things to do than is humanly possible in 4 days. However, printed schedules will allow you to pick the activities in which you are most interested and have a bang-up time.

Our Danzig Study Group will meet on Sunday, September 2nd at 1 PM. Bud Hennig will exhibit his fantastic Danzig highlights in the Court of Honor and hopefully conduct a tour to tell us about it. Hunt Valley is sold out, but there are other fine motels in the vicinity. Come join us!

In the special Anniversary Edition of the GPS Specialist, each Study Group was invited to submit an article on a phase of its philately that hasn’t been thoroughly covered in print. We chose to write on the overprint plate varieties of the first air issue, No. 51, and our search produced 10 varieties in addition to the published No. 51 type I. Bud’s full sheets were a great aid in plating them, and it was possible to find the positions of a few of the broken biplanes. Our reason for mentioning this is that we’re sure that’more work is to be done on the subject of No. 51. If you have other varieties, on or off of cover, or full sheets, please check them carefully after reading the article and report your findings at BALPEX or write to the Editor in time for the next issue of the Report.

Dues haven’t been collected since 1977, so please fill out the form and mail your check as soon as possible. We want to update our mailing list, and this is a good opportunity to decide between a bottle of cheap wine or this wonderful publication. As an incentive, we’ll include a brown bag next time instead of a white envelope. If your collecting interests have changed (to girls?) please confess


Danzig Report  Nr. 23 - 2nd Quarter 1979, Page 1.

Hits: 1756

Added: 07/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
