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Gallery » Danzig Report 44 - July, August, September 1984 » Hitler's speech in the Artushof

Hitler's speech in the Artushof: 

Today sees our entry into the magnificent city of Danzig. The Fuhrer will be speaking to the entire world from this historic Hanseatic Port’s Artushof Guild Hall erected by German workmen in the 14th Century.”

As we all know, Danzig was destroyed in the war and has been carefully restored by Poland. The city of “Gdansk”, so much in the news today, lives on to the lovers of its Postal History.

After the major fighting in the Polish campaign was over, the Nazis invited some American correspondents to visit the “front”, where they saw some fighting for Gydinia and the Hela peninsula west of Danzig. Probably the reason for their visit was planned to coincide with Hitler’s Artushof speech, which pleaded with the West to join him in “peace”. The Schleswig-Holstein was still firing at Gydinia from the port of Danzig as Hitler spoke on the after noon of 19 September in the historic Artushof, the old Gothic Guild Hall. Shirer said: ”He was in an ugly mood". I sat on the aisle, and as he strode past me to the platform I could not help but note his rage. This surprised me since he was appearing as a conqueror. Later a Nazi officer explained that he was in a terrible

Colored propaganda card commemorating visit & proclaiming "Triumphant greeting to our Führer & Liberator Adolf Hitler” Danzig 1 a cancel on card sent 25.9.39 Colored propaganda card commemorating visit & proclaiming “Triumphant greeting to our Führer & Liberator Adolf Hitler”

Danzig 1 a cancel on card sent 25.9.39


Danzig Report  Nr. 44 - July - August - September - 1984, Page 5.

Hits: 2862

Added: 14/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
