1935, June. Postal increase for foreign mail, original printing up to now, 2 dotted lines near the sender’s marks. Without border. 147 x 104 mm.
P 49 25 PF. Red, light cream paper.
1935, 7 June. Four picture postcards as in P 45; however, with black impressions and pictures. With 3 vertical lines. 147 x 104 mm.
P 50 10 Pr. yellow—green stamp, light cream paper.
Four different views. Picture index appears after p 62’s description.
p 50 03 Marienkirche
P 50 04 D.-Neufahr— wasser, ilafeneinfahrt
P 50 07 Oliva, Schloss mit Kirche
P 50 019 D., an der £lottlau mit Johannisund Marienkirche
1935, 12 August. An altered scene. Brown picture of Zoppot’s beach from the air. Impression is brown. Sender’s address side is only one-lined “Postkarte” as P d/O2.
P 51 10 Pf. it. green
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 53 - October - November - December - 1986, Page 9.
Hits: 3368
Added: 21/06/2015
Copyright: 2025 Danzig.org