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6. Prussian 4-Circle Cancels

The Arge-Hasselhoff publication Danzig 1793 - 1955 II Teil (1979) has provided details of the 304 cancel of Prussia. They appear from 15.11.1850 until 31.5.1860 as four circles surrounding the numeral, which are described as There are four types of cancels:

Variations in the Type I are frequently the result of heavy inking and inability to measure 1/10th millimeter dimensions accurately. Types II, III and IV are quite scarce. Essential differences are high-lighted by the underscores. Type III shows a distinctive long thin diagonal on the 4, and the overall lightness of the thin numeral. Type IV, on the other hand, indicates thick “pummels’ on the 3 and heavy numerals. Prices for Types II, III and IV run 50%, 100% & 250% over T.I.


Danzig Report  Nr. 60 - July - August - September - 1988, Page 8.

Hits: 3119

Added: 26/06/2015
Copyright: 2025
