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Enclosed are some air covers that may help to illustrate the Michaelis translation. Registered cover sent 27.10.20 (!) during the 10-day period when regular mail was first “flown” directly from Danzig.
-Giles du Boulay
A ylesbury, Bucks

This cover to Manchester may be one answer to our wish for a real, live airmail Bedarfsbrief from 1920. Are the rates OK? From here it looks good.

I hove run into a puzzlement. Recently I picked up Danzig double overprint of Scott #30 (as it was listed). My old edition of Scott lists a 30d with gray burloge. The 1988 Scott catalog does not list it. Now to the puzzlement - Michel lists #311, as double overprint with gray buriage (points up), but not with a double overprint. I hove a lilac burlage, points up, with the double over rint. it is signed RUBENS. What do you think?
-Ernie Solit
Orleans, MA

The 1974 Scott catalog shows #30 to be the 7 Pfg orange with 10 Mk black overprint, gray points up. Lilac points up show in Scott #3Db, with no double overprint listed. Look further into the Michel listing: No. 46W states doppeltem Unterdruck on Pages 396—7 (1988), priced at Dr’1275.— hinged & DM500.—MNH. The translation of the charts, from Mi.#261 thru 461/I were published in D.R.No.7. The “RUBENS” expertising mark may actually be named “RUBERG”, a Danzig dealer of the 1920.’s who may have occasionally overstepped the bounds of propriety.

I wonder if you can help me with this Luposta Zepp cover? Also, are enclosed copies of the 1932 Ninth S. America flight. How did the Danzig stamps get on the cover? I am also looking for info on Danzig cancels on German stamps.
- Mike Sivak
Notre Dame, IN

There ar several reasons for answering this fellow: (1) He may play nosetackle for that bunch, (2) A member in Virginia threatens to quit if we don’t publish a Ganzsachen article each year, and (3) These are good questions and the reply card is especially interesting and is reproduced on the next page. The August 20 1924 directive is a valuable reminder of how those “treaty” stamps got onto the Zepp covers. Also, check P.32 of our Luposta translation for the cancel information and notes on flight date possibilities. Your P44 dual 10/lopfg Request/Reply card


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 63 - April - May - June - 1989, Page 7.

Hits: 1968

Added: 27/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
