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On the occasion of LUPOSTA a “balloon mail” with children’s balloons was organised. The postcards bear on the front the details of the exhibition as well as the request that the card should be sent back with details of the place where found and the address of the finder. The back of the card has a picture with the exhibition logo on. Although these cannot be classed as true airmail items, these very rarely encountered cards are much sought after by Danzig collectors.

73    171      5th flight to South America        29 August — 7 September.              S/HS
74    177      6th flight to South America        12 — 21 September.                            S/US
75    183      7th flight to South America        26 September — 4 October.            S/HS
76    189      8th flight to South America         9 — 19 October.                                     S/HS
77    195      9th flight to South America         24 October - 3 November.               S/US

Connecting flights from Berlin were also arranged for the 5th to 9th flights to South America. Connections from Stuttgart to these flights were also made but there was hardly any Danzig mail on them.

On the various 1932 flights to South America the amounts of Danzig mail carried are only known by their gram weights. Thus the following weights of post are obtained

1st      flight to South America    871g
2nd    flight to South America    549g
3rd     flight to South America    582g
4th     flight to South America    772g
5th      flight to South America    676g
6th      flight to South America    583g
7th      flight to South America ,  393g
8th      flight to South America    284g
9th       flight to South America   726g

Zeppelin mail 1933
78    201    Flight to Germany                          1 May.                          S/HS
79    202    1st flight to South America       6 - 17 May.                S/US

On this flight it was permitted for the first time that sendings could be meter-franked rather than franked with postage stamps for Zeppelin mail. Such sendings from Danzig are predominantly franked with the meter franking of the Zoppot municipal authority along with the slogan advertising the Forest Opera.

80    207     Flight to Rome                                              29 — 30 May.                     S/HS
81    214     2nd flight to South America                  3 - 13 June.                       S/HS
82    217     Flight to Saar                                                 25 June.                              S/HS
83    219     3rd flight to South America                  1 - 12 July.                           S/HS
84    222     Flight to Switzerland                                18 July.                                 S/HS
85    223      4th flight to South America                  5 — 15 August.                 S/HS
86    226      5th flight to South America                 19 - 29 August.                  S/HS
87    229      6th flight to South America                  2 — 12 September.         S/HS
88    232      7th flight to South America                  16 — 26 September.       S/HS
89    235       8th flight to South America                  30 September -10 November   S/HS


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 64 - July - August - September - 1989, Page 17.

Hits: 2393

Added: 27/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
