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4.3 Tabaksteuern
— Tobacco Tax

It is possible that the item below is a cigarette or cigar band denoting payment of a tobacco tax although this is not at all clear. Such a tac is not noted in ERLER-NORTON as being operational in Danzig at any time. The overprinted price “St. 4 P.” (presumably “Stuck 4 Pf.” : 4 Pf. each) is in Royal blue and the band design is printed in dull vermilion.

5 .Conclusion

5.1 As mentioned in sub-para. 2.3 abovethe Revenue stamps described in these pages do not represent any completeness of issue,in terms of either the number of stamps in any one set or the number of issues in any one type of Revenue. Indeed various Revenue types are not represented at all as I do not have any stamps of them in my collection. In particular these Revenue types are : Gesellschaftsstempel [Companies Registration Stamps]; Markt Pausch Stempelizirken [Market Tax Stamps]; Polizeigebühren [Police Fees]; Quittungsxmarke [Government Quittances]: 1Jmsatzsteueruirken [Sales Tax Stamps].

5.2 I would welcome any information.convnents,questions or corrections on any aspect of this study or Danzig Revenue stamps in general.

5.3 I would like to thank the following for contributing help and information towards the preparation of this study John Bloecher, Martin Erler and Rorjny van Waardhujzen. Ronny,in particular,has an invaluable collection of Danzig Revenue stamps on complete original documents and was kind enough to send me photocopies of these; with his permission some are reproduced on the following few pages. Martin Erler gave his kind permission to quote from the ERLER-NORION catalogue arid from his articles in “THE AMER I CAN REVENUER”

Giles du Boulay
8 Malvern Road


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 70 - January - February - March - 1991, Page 34.

Hits: 2804

Added: 29/06/2015
Copyright: 2025
