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Gallery » Danzig Report 77 - October, November, December 1992 » Identifying Currency Censor Marks


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From 10 January 1920, three exchange control offices were organized to deal with mail to and from Danzig: Elbing (office 23) for mail between Danzi and East Prussia, Lauen— burg (22) for mail between Pomerania and Danzig, and Berlin (office 1) for mail between all other parts of Germany and Danzig.

The detailed and well-researched article on the next 50+ pages constitutes the latest on Danzig mail processing in the post-W.W. I era of 1919-1925. It should be very helpful in identifying those labels, hand-stamped numerals and wax seals that are on many of our covers from that era. Robin Pizer has done a remarkable job on this project, which originated after a conversation with him at a dinner during the London 1990 exhibit. Frankly, we are a little bushed after copying, printing and collating the many pages of text and graphs. It may be necessary to continue the publishing of more Danzig covers and additional information on Lauenburg and Elbing in our next Report. If this is necessary, we may number the new pages to be consecutive with these pages, in case you wish to file the article in a separate binder. Also, this will give us time to find additional copies of Danzig covers that we can publish next time. Hope this is agreeable.

The Germany Philatelic Society will hold its next annual meeting in Milwaukee on March 5-7, 1993. Try to attend, since the Danzig Study Group expects to meet at MILCOPEX ‘93.

Are you ready for a trip to Danzig? Let’s hope so, since the German Arge, under Karl Kniep’s tutelage, the Polish group, with Edward Hadas making preparations, and the Danish gruppe, with Curt Hosny, are planning to meet with us, first in Poznan (for the Airmail Exhibition from May 6 to 16, and then in Gdansk on May 17-18. Of course, it would pay us to stay in Gdansk for at least a week, bringing cameras and at least ten rolls of film! If you need information on what it is like to visit Poland, write to the Editor and I’ll try to sort things out. We’re always looking for additional ways to enter Gdansk; the only way at present by air is with LOT from the gateway city, Hamburg. A nice one-hour flight.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 77 - October - November - December - 1992, Page 2.

Hits: 3298

Added: 03/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
