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Tecnische Hochschu)e: 1993 view ........................................................................Page 1
Dom Filatelisty commemorative post card ..................................................................2
British Field Post Office H2 used in Danzig during 1920 (Whileside) ......................3 - 9
How Dirschau (Tczew) was to become a Seaport (Bergman) .............................10 - 12
POLSKA 93 ............................................................................................................13 - 14
Back to Gdansk ....................................................................................................14 - 18
Letters ..................................................................................................................19 - 20

Not Much Space, but...

This Report brings two fine articles by John Whiteside and Otto Bergman, putting Danzig into historical philatelic perspective. We have discussed articles for 1994, the 55th anniversary of the start of WW II, with Hans Vogels, who recently submitted a terrific article on the “stamp war”. Our plan is to offer a series of articles on different aspects of German-Polish 1930’s relations and climax the series with the post office defense in September. With the help of Postal Archivist Mrs. Ewa Panas, we expect to publish a series on the mailboxes, the attacking plan on the post office, and interrogation of one of the defenders by the victors. The visit of the Schleswig-Holstein in August, 1939, is in the agenda. Wiadyslaw Dziemianczuk has also translated an article on the Polish Post, Port Gdansk, which will fit into the series. Any more? Keep them coming.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 80 - July - August - September - 1993, Page 2.

Hits: 2373

Added: 04/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
