Imagine a convention of four separate Danzig study groups. each speaking a different language, trying to decide how to combine efforts. This took place at the DOM FILATELISTY on May 17, 1993.The gentlemen on the right provided greetings in both Polish and German. and Wojciech Kruczkowski. a long-time member of the DSG and of the U.S. Air Force in Germany (next to Betty Bloecher in the second photo) helped to translate some of the language into English. Copenhagen’s own Curt Hosny presented each study group leader with a miniature Danish flag mounted on a metal staff, which caused a stir with the X-ray technicians at the Amsterdam airport. We avoided arrest and we thank him again for the gift. (A bayonet?)
On the next day, Ronny and Edward teamed up for a bus trip to the Niederung land beyond the Weichsel/Vistula. This area is about 3 meters below sea level and once had windmills to clear the waters. Farm houses of unique design, with the second floor overhanging the drive-in porch, are built up on earth berms to provide visibility above the morning mist. There are a few of these houses still standing. The bus drove to the beach near Steegin and also to the StuthoffKV camp. On the way back, we saw Marienburg castle from the opposite side of the Nogat. That evening, dinner was served in the beautiful Salmon restaurant, the historic home of Danziger Goidwasser. Many thanks to all who made this trip a great success!!
Below are Mark, Ronny and Giles du Boulay in the bourse at the Dom Filatelisty.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 80 - July - August - September - 1993, Page 20.
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Added: 05/07/2015
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