DANZIG ZEPPELIN POSTAL RATES by Giles du Boulay .............................................Pages 3-14
A DISALLOWED PORT GDANSK POSTCARD from Zoppot to Hungary ..................................15
TRENDS IN DANZIG STAMP PRICES - The New Miichel Prices ...........................................16-17
GULTIG - A Dialogue with John Miskevich and Ton Hulkenberg ......................................18-22
ZEPP CURIOS ...........................................................................................................................23
RESULTS OF THE RICHARD DREWS AUCTION at CHICAGOPEX .........................................24-26
In our last Report, the One-Man-Band (a.k.a. O-M-B) announced a new policy of bringing more stamp information to the troops in lieu of a massive injection of historical content. This went over fairly well, and suggestions for mail sales, auction news and actual auctions flowed into the Executive Suite of the Editorial Offices. Each suggestion was carefully read and evalu ated by O-M-B and proper action was initiated. For instance, if you would like a Danzig Auction every quarter, please volunteer your time and knowledge to the project. O-M-B is not trying to be a Schmerzensarsch; he merely wants to get this project under way. So, please volunteer and ye shall have!
On other fronts, some suggestions are coming to fruition. In this issue you will find Giles’ study of Zepp mail from Danzig, as well as his detailed analysis of Michel Danzig stamp trends, with some real shockers. What about mixed frankings? We have more examples of Danzig stamps mixed with Port Gdansk and Polish stamps on cover or card. The dialogue between John Miskevich and Ton Hullcenberg will clear up many things, but O-M-B still smarts from the problem of historical content -- where the heck is Teschen and what influe nce did it have on these covers in the 1920s? Such historical Q & A will be separated in the future so that those who can’t stand such stuff can skip on by. We aim to please.
Also in this Report (O-M-B hopes!) will be results of the Richard Drews auction that took place at Chicagopex. Seems that it contains some fantastic lots of Danzig material from a spot on the southwestern shore of Lake Michigan. Please let O-M-B know how he may continue to be of service. It’s YOUR study group!
Michael D. Jolly 1939 - 1996
We are sorry to inform our members that Mike Jolly passed away the day after returning from the Chicagopex meeting. Mike had discussed plans to provide us with Germania studies that were related to Danzig overprints. He will be missed by his many philatelic friends.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 94 - January - February - March - 1997, Page 2.
Hits: 2660
Added: 19/07/2015
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