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Gallery » Danzig Report 97 - October, November, December 1997 » Aus dem Briefkasten by Bill Ruh


FIGURE 10 - Danzig 5, 13 May 1936, to Danzig 1, 13 May 1936.Danzig semi-postal stamps, Mi. 296-298, make the 30 pfennige rate of 10 pfg. for a local letter under 20 grams, pIus 20 pIi. for registration.Handstamped EINSCHREIBEN applied by the sender. Aus Dem Bnelkasten and registry label applied at (lie post office. Addressee (and sender?) was a well-known stamp dealer.

FIGURE 11- Cover from Luzem to DANZIG 5, 13 July 1929, 8-9V with unique combination of Porto stamp with Austellung cancellation. (From collection of R.J. van Waardhuizen. Attest: Kniep.)

Swiss(?) stamp sliced from envelope, with partial Zurichstrasse of cancellation visible.From stamp dealer Sekula to his counterpart Edward von Baggo, who was established in Reval in 1885, then moved to various addresses in Danzig from 1919-1942, from which lie played an assortment of interesting philatellc tricks.

The letter started out without franking (Ortsporto 10 P and R-GEBUHR 20 p) and was dropped into a mail box of DANZIG 5 (cancelled DANZIG * 5 I 1 from where the registry label and Aus dem Briefk asten were applied, with 60 pfg. postage due stamp, Mi. P36, cancelled Danzig 5 13 July 1929 10-11 V. Baggo wasn’t home, so his family forwarded the letter to the Briefmarken Ausslellung (stamp exhibition) and postage due charges relieved with straight-line Entlastet Danzig I in violet on the stamp. New 60 pfg. postage due stamp, Mi. P36, applied and cancelled with special Ausstellung cancel, 13 July 10-11 V(?) and 60 in blue crayon. (lower right).

This cover exhibits the correct application of the Austellung ‘5 special cancel for (lie purpose of postage due hitherto not known on any other cover.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 97 - October - November - December - 1997, Page 9.

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Added: 21/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
