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1. The Danzig Study Gtoup WILL MEET at the GPS Convention in Tucson on Saturday January 22, 1999. We’ll meet right after the GPS General Meeting The DSG meets @2 PM!

2. Bring your auction lots for our fourth Danzig Auction. If you can’t make the convention, send your material to Erik Nagel, P.O.Box 65, Taylors NC 29687. WE NEED YOUR LOTS!!

3. OOPS! The editor goofed again! On page 6 of this Report No. 101, he had the audacity to say that the card from Zoppot to the City was overfranked. Any fool can plainly see that this is not so. This prompts the chief elf to determine that we ALL èan use an article or two on proper franking of Danzig mail, from the stampless era thru 1945. Chief Statistician John Whiteside has been approached to tackle this project. Let’s hope that he can find the time. You all will be asked to furnish some covers to illustrate the rates. It sounds to us that this may take more than one Report to cover this big subject, but it could be a lot of fun!

4. Another OOPS!! Duke Day noted that we (blame it on the elves) had reversed two numbers on page 19: Illustration 36 should be 35 and 37 should (obviously) be 36. Please change your copy. Thanks. (Must be those bLasted pigeons that fly thru when the windows are open on the 14th floor.)

5. That’s all for now. We hope to distribute DR-102 at the important 50th Anniversary of the GPS in Tuscon. Looking forward to seeing you there! Bring any interesting material that could be used in the Reports.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 101 - October - November - December - 1998, Page 21.

Hits: 1698

Added: 23/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
