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Gotenhafen, Korridor & North Atlantic.
From the Beginning - - - to the End - - - 1938 - 1945.
Danzig's Westerplatte War extends around the World;

Introduction to the Autors:

What we had to work with during the assembly of DR-155's look at the Nazi attack on the Danzig coast was daunting. Blaine Taylor submitted 42 pages, double spaced, as well as 4 or 5 pages from a magazine article. "The Battle for Gdynia & the Polish Corridor ..." by Maciej Jonasz. A time-line of the S-H's (Schleswig-Holstein's) artillery attack on the western shore of the Bay of Danzig as written by the autor Kazimierz Malkowski, and translated by Donna Misiuda. Donna had arranged Kaz's meeting in Gdynia in 2008, and we found him to be very interesting interview. With the help of Ronny van Waardhuizen, language was no barrier. Kaz Malkowski's of the attack on the northern part of Gdansk is in a book entiteled, "Gdynia". We also found an article in our files that covered a similar theme. It was from John Miskewitz and intended to be used when we covered the War outside of the central city. As you can see, there are plenty of photographs that were made early in he War. These incluided official Nazi propaganda photos by Dr. Goebbels' Office of "Enlightenment" & Propaganda. Thanks to all of these writers for their contribution & patience in adding tp DR-155+! It is becomming quite obvious that this subject will require three or more issues to do it justice!
As Kramer would say to 'Seinfeld', "Giddy-up!".

Danzig Study Group U.S.A.
Danzig Report Nr. 155 - January - February - March - 2012, Page 9.

Hits: 2305

Added: 04/03/2012
Copyright: 2024
