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Figures 17& 18-Mi.728Typel, showing the re-engraved 0 that resulted in extra vertical line. (Field 42. Light retouching at left side of stamp.

Fig. 19 - Deutsches Reich Mi.728 I - OUva re-engraved, bottom has been retouched.

Fig. 20 - Mi. 728, notch in left leg of k in mark. Minimum retouching required.

Fig.21 - Major shift-- what happens when the black plate rides up and to the left. Retouching was required on the rightsideand the bottom areas that were left clear.


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 102 - January - February - March - 1999, Page 39.

Hits: 1883

Added: 23/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
