Note: Perfin Forgery Alert
A recent Plebiscites, Memel and Saar Study Group Bulletin published a statement extracted from a letter received by John Neefus from Floyd A. Walker. Mr. Walker is Foreign Catalog Chairman Fditur of the Perfins Bulletin:
“To complicate things is a recent flood of faked perlins Irom Some of the countries listed. including Danzig and Memel. Somebody, somewhere, in eastern Lurope has begun creating his (or her) own perfins on used stamps. Some are fakes of known patterns, others are newly-created patterns. Fortunately. most of them are crude, amateurish and easy to spot.” Sounds familiar.
Does this make you feel old?
This coming September 1st will he the sixtieth a!I.niversary of the Battle for Westerplatte!
Danzig Report Auction No. 3-DR1O1
Please don’t forget to send in your bids to Frik Nagel for the current auction. We have extended the closing date to March 1St. 1999 SO that everyone (both U.S. and foreign) has an opportunity to hid.
And this is a reminder that Frik is now looking for more matetial for Auction #4—1)R— 105!!!!!!! !! !!! Check your stock and mail your duplicates to him at IO.Box 65, I’aylors SC 29687.
Good Stuff on the Horizon!
In an effort to get more efficient and not to lose anything in piles of papers, those elves have devised a list of Reports from 1998 thru 2002. These little stickers have been hard at work, resulting in this tizra1ii’e list of main topics for the near future:
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 102 - January - February - March - 1999, Page 40.
Hits: 2944
Added: 23/07/2015
Copyright: 2025 Danzig.org