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Gallery » Danzig Report 6 - November, December 1975 » SPANIENFAHRT - Flight to Spain

SPANIENFAHRT (Flight to Spain)

Start:                                October 23, 1929 @ 06:48 o’clock Friedrichshafen
Landing:                         October 24, 1929 @ 13:24 o’clock “
Duration of flights      30 hours, 36 minutes.
Transported:                (Post closing in Danzig V: 19 October, 22:20o’clock) 29 letters, 27 Cards

Price:                                Card- 10 RM  - Letter- 20 RM

The mail carried on the airship Graf Zeppelin was dropped over Barcelona and was delivered to the Main Post Office by a passer-by. The arrival was certified by a very bad and careless imprint of the usual machine cancellation “Barcelona”. As transportation certification, the airship used a smaller red rubber stamp (6 by 53 mm) which is the same in text and execution as the cancellation used for both preceding trips.


Danzig Report   Nr. 6 – November - December - 1975, Page 14.

Hits: 2088

Added: 26/05/2015
Copyright: 2024
