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Gallery » Danzig Report 9 - May, June 1976 » The Ruberg Price list

The Ruberg Price list

The Ruberg Price list was a supplementary 12-page affair, and the 250.- Mk totals were scratched out with the 215.- prices penciled in. Note also that the mint vs. used prices are the same in 1930, indicating that they had not yet succombed to the CTO mania that was to follow. Just where did it start? If you have access to early Michel catalogs, it might be interesting to find out when the Innendienst CTO’s developed their market. For those of you who feel that they have better things to do with their money than to spend it on #47 to #49, welcome to the club. Plating Innendiensts can be fun, if you have the time, money and stamina, but keep in mind that they weren’t used postally and that you have a perfectly valid reason for not including them in your Danzig collection. Forgeries were noted from the first, and we are enclosing the entire 1930 Ruberg section to note the known varieties and warnings from the publisher.

"Gute Zentrierung der Innendienstmarken bedingt einen Preissaufschlag von mindestens 20 %"

"Die meisten im Handel belindlichen Schrägdruck- und Innendienst marken sind falsch. Prufung speziell dieser Marken erfolgt für meine Kunden gratis."

"Die 3 Innendlenstmarken werden von Sammler und Händler wegen lhrer Sammelberechtigung  angezweilft  den Zweifel zu zerstruein, gebe Ich niachstehnd den genauwen Wortlaut der Verlögung vondei Ober Post-Direktion. Danzig über dIe lnkurszetung und Verwendung dieser Marken bekannt."


Danzig Report  Nr. 9 – May - June - 1976, Page 2.


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Added: 31/05/2015
Copyright: 2025
