>> The Ruberg Price list
The Innendienst set is exceptional in that there is an apparent decline in the last 6 months, according to the only two price guides that we have. Note that the CTO set had the wildest ride, gaining 1500 Mks in five years and then losing 900 very quickly. Wall Street would panic at such a decline, but our advice is to “hold”, at least until the next Michel Specialized is published. We didn’t price the set at INTERPHIL, but a friend from South Carolina offered it in mint for $1000.00 before sending it to Germany with other material. Oh well, IBM could be had at 250 just a few short weeks ago.
If the Innendienst set is an exception, how are some of the other well-known Danzig stamps doing in today’s market? Below is a chart that may illuminate this area:
Some inconsistencies appear, especially in the 193 Dx 5 Pfg. orange roller-perforated stamp. The mint edition lost favor in the 1976 Michel Specialized Catalog, but it appears to be as strong as ever in the Netto. The yellow paper variety (193 Dy), however, showed remarkable vigor between 1971 and 1976. The “unhinged” crowd has also made its influence felt in the 1976 Michel to add more confusion to the market. Who said it couldn’t happen here?
OUR ADVICE: If you see the specialized stamp that has long been on your list, and if the seller refuses to lower the price, buy it now instead of next year. Prices on specialized items are accelerating at a faster clip than the standard sets listed above. Also, keep in mind that all this has been going on during one of the most severe recessions in the history of the world.
THE DANZIG STUDY GROUP MET at its appointed hour, but only Bud Hennig, George Blon and the Editor were present. Although several other members were in Philadelphia, the distance from the Civic Center to the UPS Headquarters at the Sheraton was too vast to expect members to catch a cab or subway to an isolated meeting. This fact must be considered at future meetings, and it’s probably the reason for the success of our meeting last year at BALPEX. You missed some fine Danzig bargains offered by a member before sending them to the fertile European markets.
Danzig Report Nr. 9 – May - June - 1976, Page 3.
Hits: 3402
Added: 31/05/2015
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