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Gallery » Danzig Report 9 - May, June 1976 » Germania overprint

Germania overprint Specialists

BRING THE WIFE and/or girl friend to the GPS Fall Convention in Chicago from August 27th to the 29th. The “Chicago Bunch” always provides a good show (non-philatelic) and we are looking forward to our Chartered flight from Baltimore. If you would like to join us (at a huge savings in $) write immediately to the Editor or to Bob Sheppard, Secretary of Chapter 16. Your Danzig Study Group will surely get together for a Klatsch.

GERMANIA OVERPRINT SPECIALISTS are urged to write to Peter Theuss, Apartment 1714, 23 Lascelles Blvd., Toronto 7, Ontario, Canada. Pete has gone beyond the varieties that we listed in our “Handbuch” in Report #7 and has listed many other varieties that we expect to publish in future Reports. Meanwhile, send your list of discoveries to Pete so that he can coordinate all of the varieties into a neat package. This is a great area for in-depth study.


Jim Bowman of Santa Susana, California, has sent us this copy of a cover with a bold imprint at the top of the front margin. Was ist?

Peter Theuss sends an airmail cancellation dated after the 30.6.22 expiration. It’s like the cancel in Figure 5 in Report #4. Is it a forgery, a CTO or is it possible that the stamps slipped thru 34 days after the validity expired? Was ist????


Danzig Report  Nr. 9 – May - June - 1976, Page 4.

Hits: 3419

Added: 31/05/2015
Copyright: 2025
