The slogan on the card is a Type 4 reading: “Schafft/Hausbriefksten an sie/beschlimigen/die Briefzustellung”. This probably means: “Create a house mail box to speed up mail delivery”.
Below is a cover to the USA dated 4.8.39 (just a few weeks before the invasion) with the slogan “Das Weitbad/an der Ostsee”, or: “World resort on the Baltic Sea”. This cancel wasn’t listed in Report #28 because it is technically from Zoppot. The catalog lists it from 2(.5.39 thru 30.8.39.
Karl Kniep says that there exists quite a number of No.73 to 86 and 93 to 98 stamps printed on thick paper which can’t be classified as trial printings. He has seen a partial sheet of No. 73 that is printed partly on thick paper and partly on thin (normal) paper. This means that the printing is an aberration of the paper; extra layers of “plys’ are piled up on the thick side but not on the single ply or normal side. The drawing below illustrates this.
We couldn’t find any stamps in our stock b’k that contained both thick and thin paper on the same stamp, hut the No. 98’s shown below contain several
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 36 - July - August - September - 1982, Page 3.
Hits: 2691
Added: 12/06/2015
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