Please send your check as soon as possible, so that mailing labels can be updated. A large number of full—color prints have been made, and these will be generously used in future Reports. Several important translations and studies have been completed and will be published in 1990, including the Michaelis Landpost article. We found an old article on the large-Mark Germania issue, which will provide us Danzigers with valuable information. Also, future Dienstmark studies will include information by Arge Danzig. Plus more photos and etchings of old and new Danzig/Gdansk. Stay tuned!
In this Report:
Overprint Plate Flaws: Michel 181—188 ...........................................Pages 1—30
Post—InflationpostaiRatechart........................................................................ 30
Letters to the Editor ...................................................................................31—37
MichelPriceTrends:1987thru1989 .....................................................................38
Was 1st? Cancellation with b after time designation ......................................39
Folio Print: Frauengasse etching by Hellingrath............................................. 40
Accumulative Index for Danzig Reports 1988—1989...................................... 41
Above: An example of the new color process; a cover with the Post-Inflation stamps resulting from the currency reform of 1923. Six No. 182 stamps were mailed from OLIVA C on 30.1.24. Note the details under a magnifying glass.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 65 - October - November - December - 1989, Page 2.
Hits: 3311
Added: 28/06/2015
Copyright: 2025 Danzig.org