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Gallery » Danzig Report 92 -1996 » Sources and Notes


without paying special attention to the building. Only 100 meters from the railway station, it is still there, dirty but no less intriguing.

On 17 April 1923, after several months of negotiations and political battles, and one day before the official agreement between Poland and the Free City of Danzig, the Polish post office number 2 was opened in the so-called Ubernachtungsgebäude at the Hauptbahnhof in Danzig. Between 1923 and 1939, this post office played an essential role in the postal traffic between Poland and the Polish post in the Free City and between Poland and overseas Countries. In spite of the agreement of 18 April 1923, mail was delivered at the post office in 1928 and 1929. Mail with cancels from the post office show clearly that mail was sorted at the post office, too, in later years. The post office building survived the war and can still be found next to the railway station.

Sources and Notes

1. Carl Tighe: Gdarisk - Danzigjtional identity in the Polish-German borders(London 1990) Pages 92-94.
2. In later articles we’ll describe the early history of the Polish post in Danzig in more detail.
3. Abkommen von 24.Oktober zwischen der Freien Stadt Danzig und Polen zur AusfQhrung und Ergänzung der Danzig-Polnischen Konvention (9.11.1920) Pages 61-63.
4. Franciszek Bogacki, ‘Wymiana poczty zamorsky przez port Gdariski w latach 1920 do 1939’, in: Przegld Pocztowv 1 (1948) Pages 9-13. Aleksander niezko, Poczta Polska w wolnym Miecie Gdarisku (Wrocraw 1964) Pp 25-30.
5. High Commissioner to the Komisarz Generalny on 8 March 1922. Publications of the permanent court of international justice.Documents relating to advisory opinion No.11. (May 16, 1925). Polish postal service in Danzig (Leiden 1925)Pp 323-325
6. Decisions of the High Commissioner, League of Nations, Free City of Danzig 1922 (Danzig 1923) Page 15-21. Letter from the League of Nations 11 August 1922 APG 260/2563 Page 3.
7. APG 1036/100 Pages 11-31. APG 1027/418 Page 38.
8. Letter of the Polish Govt. to the High Comm. 23 Feb 1922, Publications Pages 86-96. Letter of the Komisarz Generalny to the High Commissioner 11 Aug 1922. APG 1027/418: 67-105.
Letter of the Komisarz Generalny to the High Commissioner 11 Oct 1922. APG 1027/418: 123-124.
Letter of the Senate to the High Commissioner 19 Oct 1922. Publications 332-333.
Letter of the Polish Government to the Senate 20 Nov 1922. Publications 333-336.
Letter of the Senate to the Komisarz Generalny 12 Dec 1922. Publications 492-496.
9. Decision of the High Commissioner 23 Dec 1922. Decisions 1922 Pgs.56-59.
10. Polish post to Free City post 9 December 1922. APG 2541. Pgs.308-312. Senate to the High Commissioner 4 Jan 1923. Publications 17.4-175.
High Commissioner to Komisarz Generalny 6 Jan 1923. Publications 174.
11. Explanation of Sahm’s concerning the decision of 18 April 1923. Publications 364-366. Draft agreements April 1923. Publications 447-449.
12. Proces Verbal of the League of Nations 18 April 1923. APG 260/2563 Pg.1, Publications 164-165


Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 92 - July - August - September - 1996, Page 16.

Hits: 2167

Added: 18/07/2015
Copyright: 2024
