(Sources and Notes, continued from Page 16)
13. The post office received the number 2. It is common usage in Poland that the post offices at the railway station have the number 2. One exception is the post office in Opole; the main post office Opole 1 is only 100 meters from the railway station and acts as a railway post office, too.
14. Ministry of Post to the Polish post in Danzig 4 April 1923. APG 259/274 Pgs.9-10.
Polish post to the Komisarz Generalny 14 April 1923. APG 259/274 Pg.3.
Polish post to the post of the Free City 16 April 1923. APG 259/274 Pg.4.
Dziennik Urzedo.w Ministerstwa Poczt i Telegrafow 21 (1923) 429.
15. APG 260/2539 Pgs. 3-4, 15.
APG 260/2549 Pgs. 327-332.
APG 259/275 Pgs. 160-233.
16. K. and J. Morawski. Stemple i pieczecie poiskich urzedow pocztowvch w wolnym miecie Gdar’sku 1920-1939 (Gdai’isk 1992) Pgs.20, 43-49.
Dziennik Urzedo,w 10 (1935) 146-147.
17. Franciszek Bogacki, Poczta Poiskaw Gdañsku Warszawa 1978) Pgs.30-32. niezko, Poczta Poiska Pgs. 35-36.
18. Poczta Polska w.W.M. Gdarsku Part II and III (Warszawa 1931) Pgs. 13-14 and 50. Dziennik Urzedowy 21 (1923) Pg.429.
19. Bericht des laut Besch1u1 des Völkerbundes vom 11. Juni 1925 eingesetzten Sachvers tändigen-Ausschusses für die Abqrenzung des Hafens von Danzig für die Zwecke des polnischen Postdienstes in Danzig Page 47.
20. Heinrich Sahm to Verzijl 26 March 1926. Authors’ collection.
21. Sniezko, Poczta Poiska Pgs. 36, 112.
22. Ewa Panas, ‘14 Godzin walk o poczte poiska w Wolnym Miescie Gdarisku w dniu 1 Wrzenia 1939 r.” in: Obroncom pocztv polskiei w Gdañsku (Gdansk 1992) 7-21. In 1979, a photo was published, showing a Polish postman and two soldiers during the occupation of the post office at the railway station. This photo has been used in several publications since that day. Probably a mistake was made, since the door on the photo matches no door of the post office. The Polish postman Jan Kamiflski was not employed at the railway station but at the harbor post office. Pracownicy poczty i telekomunickacji w latach woiny i okupacji 1939-1945 (Warszawa 1979). Brunon Zwarra. Gdaxlsk 1939 (Gdansk 1984) Photo 28.
23. Bogacki, Poczta Polska 121-122.
Danzig Report Vol. 1 - Nr. 92 - July - August - September - 1996, Page 18.
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Added: 18/07/2015
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