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'Rare' and 'Remarkable' are frequently over-used terms in philately but this offer is of truly unique material from the archive of U.P.U. distributed specimen stamps and stationery that was maintained by the Director of Posts in Madagascar.

Madagascar affixed their 'Specimen' reference collection to folio pages tying them with a distinctive and specially designed 42 mm. diameter triple ring cachet struck in red reading 'POSTES ET TELEGRAPHES * MADAGASCAR * COLLECTION DE BERNE'. Only a very small number of country archives used their own protective markings which usually took the form of 'Specimen' or 'Ultramar' in contrast to this spectacular handstamp.

The 1895 to 1912 section was generally arranged in country order. The 1912 to 1928 section was chronological, without regard to geographical location, and careful separation has enabled us to offer country units or individual issues. Each original page had the date of receipt and the number of stamps noted; they were usually but not always in strips of three, as received from Berne. Finally the Director signed each page. The overall effect is visually very striking.

Argyll Etkin have been fortunate to obtain a major part of this Archive. Each piece is of course unique.

Please enquire as we may have your country or countries available - Photocopies supplied an request.


Arge Danzig, Rundschreiben 153, Literaturbeilage 937, Seite 7.

Hits: 3633

Added: 09/10/2015
Copyright: 2025
