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Gallery » Essays, Proofs and Unissued Stamps » Danzig Coat of Arms

Freie Stadt Danzig; Essays, Proofs and Un-issued Stamps.

Octagon Coat of Arms with Inverted centers.
- 30 Pfennig, Inverted center.
- 40 Pfennig, Inverted center.
- 1 Mark, Inverted center.

Octagon Danzig Coat of Arms, perforated comb 14, with double red center.
- 50 Pfennig, Perforated with double red center.

Octagon Danzig Coat of Arms, Imperforated with shifted centers.
- 50 Pfennig, Imperforate, shifted center.
- 1 Mark, Imperforate, shifted center.

Octagon Danzig Coat of Arms, imperforated with double red centers.
- 30 Pfennig, Imperforate with double center.
- 40 Pfennig, Imperforate with double center.

Hits: 4172

Added: 24/09/2008
Copyright: 2025
