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Gallery » Essays, Proofs and Unissued Stamps » Freie Stadt Danzig; Essays and proofs

Danzig; Essays, Proofs and Unissued Stamps.

Essay of the octagon Danzig Coat of Arms issue on watermarked paper with gray rosette unterprint, perforated.
- 25 Pfennig, green and red.

Octagon Danzig Coat of Arms, imperforated proofs in black.
- Danzig Coat of Arms only in black on plain paper.
- 3 Mark, black frame only on thin chalky white paper.
- 20 Pfennig, black Proof on thin chalky white paper.
- 25 Pfennig, black Proof on thin chalky white paper.

Octagon Danzig Coat of Arms, imperforate partial phase printings.
- 30 Pfennig, Imperforate pair without center.
- 40 Pfennig, Imperforate without center.
- 1 Mark, Imperforate without center, with light gray rosette underprint.
- 2 Mark, Imperforate without center, with light gray rosette underprint.

Hits: 3957

Added: 24/09/2008
Copyright: 2025
