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Gallery » Danzig Report 44 - July, August, September 1984 » The location of the Westerplatte

>> The location of the Westerplatte: 

small peninsula. Simultaneously, artillery opened fire along the entire Polish—German border, followed by tank and infantry units.

Hitler broadcast his message to the troops within hours of the first assault, explaining that he had to “meet force with force”. At 9:40 AM he signed a caustic note to his fellow dictator Mussolini, disguising the Führer’s disappointment in Il Duce’s reluctance to jump into the fray. Hitler then headed for the Kroll Opera House to address the Reichstag in a speech that lacked his usual zip, condemning Poland for its use of force at the border. Some of his words are recorded in a copy of the Baltimore “Sun” of Friday, September 1, 1939.

The British cartoon at the left indicate an accurate description of Danzig as History’s chess piece.

Below is a map showing the location of the Westerplatte in relationship with other Danzig points of interest. Keep in mind that Danzig was populated by more Germans than poles(their majority was estimated at up to 96%) and that Hitler had no intention of destroying the ancient city in 1939. Much of the severe damage occurred in 1945.


Danzig Report  Nr. 44 - July - August - September - 1984, Page 2.

Hits: 2649

Added: 14/06/2015
Copyright: 2024
