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Gallery » Danzig Report 148 - April, May, June 2010 » Airmail Free City Danzig

Free City Danzig - Airmail stamps.
Michel Nr. 180 F 1 - A look at four different Plates.
Find it in position 73.

All individual sets wich have been placed on cover are philatelic {that is; Machewerke} wich are cancelled 22.10.1923, or later.
A special chapter of this type of letter are those ti Nürenberg of wich the late Mr. Michaelis accumulated two dozen in November, 1975. These are supposedly letters carried by air with postmark dates of Danzig airmail postmarks to 27.10.1923, with arrival marking 'Nürnberg'. The stamps of this set of fourare affixed to the cover in a sort of block design of four, with a small space between the stamps. In every instance, these constitute a large underfranking, if one considers them genuinely forwarded. This could occur in a single letter, but certainly could not occur in such a large number.
For the record, Mr. Michaelis' book 'Flugpost von und nach Danzig' contains no photos of covers with any one of the Fifth Airmail stamps. But Mr. Michaelis has provided the following rates for Letter {Briefe} rates in his 'Gebühren nach Deutschland';

1921 - 1923 | 9.9.23 - 22.9.23 | 22.9.23 - 7.10.23 | 8.10.23 - 14.10.23 | 15.10.23 - 28.10.23.
- M a r k s - | - 250,000.00 - - - | - 350,000.00 - - - - | - 2,- Millionen - - - - | 4.75 Millionen.
Weitere Gebüren sind nicht bebannt. {Firther rates for these times are not know}.

Danzig Report 151 in progress :
Two views of subjects that will be studied in detail in our DR-151;
The top illustration of 128th Regiment's Kaserne in Neufahrwasser, located on Olivaer Street, {today the Plosh Coast Guard's HQ}. The 28th served under Eberhardt in the defeat of Westerplatte forces in 1939. Earlier, the 128th Danzig infantry batallion, then part of the Prussian army, captured the Russian 192 field gun at the Battle of Tannenberg. The piece changed hands many times - first by the Allies {1918-1920}, the Poles {1920-1924} smuggled into WEsterplatte & converted in 1926 to 75 mm, where it was stored in a metal shed & hidden from German eyes until 1.9.1939.
Below is a postcard showing the lighthouse and surrounding buildings. It's a very worthwhile historical zxhibit to see, if you visit Gdansk !

Hits: 2199

Added: 24/03/2010
Copyright: 2024
